Monday 3 August 2009

Hotel Berchielli, Florence

The main thing I remember about the Berchielli is the motorbikes. I'll explain. The hotel sits directly on the Lungarno Acciailuoli, a long street that runs alongside the Arno between Ponte Amerigo Vespucci and Ponte alle Grazie. It's a busy road, by Florence standards. (By Naples or Rome standards it would be a quiet backwater, but here it's a pretty well-used thoroughfare.) And the traffic that uses it most seems to be motorbikes, scooters, mopeds... all of which descend in weaving waves of determination as soon as the traffic lights turn green. And sometimes, perhaps, slightly before. And when the Amerigo Vespucci lot's lights are on stop, it's the turn of those who have come across the bridge from Via Maggio, thus ensuring an endless two-wheel tide. A single step out the the Berchielli's front door and you're amongst it all, cheek to cheek with the passing moped rider, toes just inches from the motorbike's tyres, a whiff away from the scooter driver's perfume. The other side of the road becomes seemingly unassailable, yet something to be conquered, like the north face of the Eiger. The first time we attempted to cross the road took us maybe half an hour. We got worried, because we were only in Florence for two days.

Surprisingly, once inside the hotel, no hint of this mayhem pervaded its serene ambience. All was calm. The hotel was efficient and tidy rather than personable and friendly. Our room was pleasant enough, though probably identical to the room next door. Breakfast was okay, from what I remember. There seemed to be no quirk, no personal touch. I do remember though that one of the coffee table books in the lounge displayed paintings of a highly erotic and explicit nature, which came as a bit of a surprise as we thumbed through it over coffee one evening.

So maybe the hotel does have a trick or two up its sleeve, after all.

Thanks, by the way, to the hotel website for this picture.

Hotel Berchielli, Lungarno Acciaiuili, 14, 50123, Firenze
Tel - odd, but they don't seem to want to publish their phone number?

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